Initially, the AI advocate should restrict which AI tools can be used. In addition, the training team should co-create an AI manifest that outlines how individuals and groups will use AI technology within the Learning and Development (L&D) department. The manifest should cover essential topics such as privacy, security, ethics, and unbiased content. However, it should also delve deeper into how AI can accelerate design and development, optimize the learner experience, and improve learning outcomes.
As you explore these areas, co-create expectations on the proper use of AI and think of creative ways to train others throughout the organization. In short, this is a chance for L&D to be a lighthouse to show the organization the way forward.
Initially, the AI advocate should restrict which AI tools can be used. In addition, the training team should co-create an AI manifest that outlines how individuals and groups will use AI technology within the Learning and Development (L&D) department. The manifest should cover essential topics such as privacy, security, ethics, and unbiased content. However, it should also delve deeper into how AI can accelerate design and development, optimize the learner experience, and improve learning outcomes.
As you explore these areas, co-create expectations on the proper use of AI and think of creative ways to train others throughout the organization. In short, this is a chance for L&D to be a lighthouse to show the organization the way forward.